This course consists of 4 modules that provide an overview of the WHO Infection prevention and control in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) guideline for health care and community settings.
Photo credits: WHO / Blink Media - Fabeha Monir
В режиме самообучения
Язык: English
Информация о курсе
Что вы узнаете
- Describe the IPC measures in health-care settings recommended to prevent transmission
- Explain the required personal protective equipment (PPE) and steps for putting on and removing PPE when caring for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
- Describe public health and social measures that can be used to mitigate transmission in community settings.
Содержимое курса
This introductory module provides an overview of the infection prevention and control for COVID-19 guideline.Module 1a: IPC principle and practices for COVID-19 in health-care settings:
The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of WHO IPC guideline for COVID-19 and highlight recommendations and implementation considerations for health-care settings. At the end of this module participants will: describe IPC recommendations for patients with suspect and confirmed COVID-19 in health-care settings; identify initial actions for when providing care to patients with symptoms of COVID-19; apply IPC measures based on a risk assessment, including the selection and use of PPE, and describe the contextual factors, strategies and implementation considerations to apply IPC recommendations and adapt to settings.
Module 1b: Practical IPC measures for COVID-19 in health-care facilities:
The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of WHO IPC guideline for COVID-19 and highlight recommendations and implementation considerations for health-care settings. At the end of this module participants will: identify actions for implementing screening and triage of patients with signs and symptoms of COVID-19; describe the source control measures in a health facility to prevent transmission of COVID-19including the use of masks, and describe specific IPC measures applicable to the prevention and control of COVID-19 transmission in health facilities.
Module 2: Steps to put on and take off PPE in the context of COVID-19:
This module provides a video demonstration of the steps for safely putting and removing the PPE required when caring for patients with suspected of confirmed COVID-19 .Module 3: Preventing, identifying and managing health and care exposure:
The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of WHO IPC guideline for COVID-19 and highlight recommendations for preventing, identifying and managing health and care worker exposures. At the end of this module participants will: describe methods for screening of health and care workers; list strategies and resource implications for testing of health and care workers; explain the considerations for managing health and care worker exposures, and describe when infected health and care workers should isolate and the duration of isolation.
Module 4a : Practices and principles for community mitigation measures:
The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of WHO IPC guideline for COVID-19 and highlight recommendations community mitigation measures. At the end of this module participants will: provide an overview of COVID-19 recommended measures to mitigate the risk and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the community; describe protective measures when providing care to persons with suspect or confirmed COVID-19, and consider situational risk and other contextual factors, strategies and implementation considerations for community settings.
Module 4b: Community mitigation measures for the community:
The purpose of this module is to provide an overview of WHO IPC guideline for COVID-19 and highlight recommendations community mitigation measures. At the end of this module participants will: provide an overview of COVID-19 recommended measures to mitigate the risk and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the community; describe protective measures when providing care to persons with suspect or confirmed COVID-19, and consider situational risk and other contextual factors, strategies and implementation considerations for community settings
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Зачислить меняLearners enrolled: 572533
Требования для получения сертификата
- Чтобы получить сертификат об окончании курса, участникам необходимо набрать не менее 80% от максимального количества баллов за все задания на оценку.
- Gain an Open Badge by completing the course.