Clinical Management

Self-paced courses


Developed by the World Health Organization, International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation for Emergency Medicine, the BEC Extended Modules: Conflict-Related Injuries sup...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

Medical equipment powered by mains sources must be evaluated regarding electrical safety parameters to protect patients and healthcare providers. This course provides methods for evaluating electri...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en

Developed by WHO and International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), in collaboration with the International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM), the Basic Emergency Care (BEC): Approach to ...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

All health workers require knowledge and skills to care for patients safely and protect themselves from undue harm. This course was developed due to the enormous emphasis placed on need for safe p...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en

Tous les professionnels de la santé ont besoin de connaissances et de compétences pour soigner les patients de façon sécurisée et se protéger de tous préjudices.

Ce module de formation a été dév...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • fr

(Описание курса в 1-3 предложениях) Все медицинские работники должны иметь знания и навыки о том, как обезопасить свое здоровье и защитить себя от возможного вреда при контакте с пациентом. Данны...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • ru

Anaphylaxis is a severe, immediate allergic reaction. Symptoms that can be life-threatening can occur within seconds to minutes, rarely hours, after contact with the allergenic substance including ...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en

La anafilaxia es una reacción alérgica grave e inmediata. Los síntomas que pueden poner la vida en peligro pueden desarrollarse en cuestión de segundos a minutos, rara vez horas, después del contac...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • es

A anafilaxia é uma reacção alérgica imediata e grave. Os sintomas que poderão ser fatais poderão ocorrer dentro de segundos a minutos, raramente horas, após o contacto com a substância alergénica i...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • pt

L'anaphylaxie est une réaction allergique grave et immédiate. Des symptômes pouvant présenter un danger pour la vie peuvent survenir en quelques secondes ou minutes, rarement après quelques heures,...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • fr

Анафилактический шок — это немедленная крайне тяжелая аллергическая реакция. Симптомы, представляющие опасность для жизни, развиваются в течение нескольких секунд или минут, в редких случаях — часо...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • ru

الحساسية المفرطة هي رد فعل تحسسي شديد وفوري. يمكن أن تحدث الأعراض التي قد تكون مهددة للحياة في غضون ثوانٍ إلى دقائق، ونادرًا ساعات، بعد التلامس مع المادة المسببة للحساسية بما في ذلك الأدوية واللقاح...

  • Self-paced
  • Health topic
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • ar