Curso disponível

Decontamination and sterilization of medical devices

Oferecido por OpenWHO
Decontamination and sterilization of medical devices

The decontamination of instruments and medical devices plays a very important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections (HAIs). Indeed, improper decontamination of surgical instruments, endoscopic devices, respiratory care devices and reusable haemodialysis devices still occurs in many settings, leading to HAIs. This course is based on the WHO manual on decontamination and reprocessing of medical devices for health care facilities, as well as in collaboration with the US CDC.

Please note: These materials were launched on 26/05/2020.

Em modo autodidata
Idioma: English

Informações do curso

This course is also available in the following languages:

Русский - македонски - ქართული ენა

Overview: The processes of sterilization and decontamination are complex, requiring specific infrastructure, equipment and process. In this course, which is divided into two parts, you will learn about the overall procedure for managing decontamination and sterilization of medical devices.

Learning objectives: By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • describe decontamination and Spaulding classification;
  • explain the dangers of reprocessing single-use medical devices;
  • describe the layout and flow of the decontamination unit;
  • list the steps for proper receipt, storage and transportation of sterile medical devices;
  • describe the importance of, and appropriate methods for, cleaning medical devices;
  • outline best practices for inspection, assembly and packaging of medical devices;
  • explain the various elements of the validation process for steam sterilization; and
  • describe the various methods of disinfection and sterilization.

Course duration: Approximately 2 hours (1 hour per part).

Certificates: A Record of Achievement will be issued to participants who receive at least 70% on the post-test. You have an unlimited number of attempts to meet the threshold. Participants who receive a Record of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

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Learners enrolled: 43918

Requisitos de certificado

  • Ganhe um registro de conquista ao ganhar mais de 70% do número máximo de pontos de todas as tarefas com nota.
  • Ganhe um Open Badge ao concluir o curso.