Celebrating 9 million enrolments

Results for:COVID-19


Self-paced courses


Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a valuable technology used to characterise and track infectious disease agents. Laboratory workers require highly specific knowledge and skills to conduct NGS. T...

  • Self-paced
  • Influenza, COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

In February 2021, a new initiative was launched by WHO EMRO to assess and understand current practices and challenges to systematically listen to communities and respond to their feedback, provide ...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

در فوریه 2021، ابتکارعمل جدیدی توسط دفتر منطقه‌ای شرق مدیترانه سازمان جهانی بهداشت بمنظور ارزیابی و شناخت چالشها و رویه‌های جاری با هدف شنیدار قاعده‌مند به اجتماعات و پاسخ به بازخورد آنها، ارائه حم...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • fa

This course provides an overview (only) of key considerations to support country offices to work with partners to improve national data collection. The survey package described here is designed to ...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

All health workers require knowledge and skills to care for patients safely and protect themselves from undue harm. This course was developed due to the enormous emphasis placed on need for safe p...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en

Tous les professionnels de la santé ont besoin de connaissances et de compétences pour soigner les patients de façon sécurisée et se protéger de tous préjudices.

Ce module de formation a été dév...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • fr

(Описание курса в 1-3 предложениях) Все медицинские работники должны иметь знания и навыки о том, как обезопасить свое здоровье и защитить себя от возможного вреда при контакте с пациентом. Данны...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • ru

The pandemic has revealed deep structural and systemic issues in our society. From equity issues to people's loss of trust in institutions evidenced by vaccine hesitancy, the need for a different a...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • en

This course covers the major elements that must be considered before, during and after the implementation of antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic tests (Ag-RDTs) in order to ensure effective implemen...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

Цей курс охоплює основні елементи, що їх необхідно враховувати перед, під час і після впровадження швидких діагностичних тестів для виявлення антигена (ШДТ на антиген), щоб забезпечити ефективне вп...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • uk

During health emergencies, governments needs to mobilize all resources – both public and private – to accelerate the implementation of national response efforts. At the same time, they are called t...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • en

Durante emergências de saúde, os governos precisam mobilizar todos os recursos – públicos e privados – para acelerar a implementação dos esforços de resposta nacional. Ao mesmo tempo, eles precisam...

  • Self-paced
  • COVID-19
  • Record of Achievement
  • pt