Курс доступен

Introduction: Operational Readiness (Tier 1)

Introduction: Operational Readiness (Tier 1)

This online course aims to equip frontline responders with the knowledge to address all hazards and emergency response situations at both country and regional levels using the World Health Emergency Operation Readiness program. By the end of this course participants should be able: to describe each core element of OPR; understand what Operational Readiness (OPR) is and how it is achieved; implement, enhance, and support OPR within their emergency functions/duties; and advocate support for OPR in their settings.

В режиме самообучения
Язык: English
Basic (Basique), HSP, Health topic

Информация о курсе

La version française de ce cours est disponible sur : https://openwho.org/courses/preparation-operationnelle-introduction

Overview: The WHO Health Emergencies Programme defines readiness as the capacity to respond to emergencies and disasters in a timely and effective manner. It is based on a common approach of systems, procedures and resources for managing risks and responding to events coming from any type of hazards. Member States, WHO and partners need to ensure they have the appropriate resources, systems, policies, procedures and capacities in place to ensure that they can undertake predictable and effective operations to address public health risks and respond to emergencies.

The WHO Health Emergencies Operational Readiness program builds on existing capacity, procedures and services and involves local and national authorities, WHO on-site capacity (e.g. WHO country office) and in-country operational partners including other international organizations (e.g. UNCT), non-governmental organizations and civil society. This tier 1 training, designed for members States, WHO staff and partners, provides legal and practical knowledge that would be of use during the face-to-face course.

Special emphasis has been given to enhancing readiness for emergency response for WHO, Member States and partners at country level as a key element of all hazards health emergency risk management. By following a systematic approach critical risks are identified, plans put in place and action taken to mitigate their impact and strengthen readiness for response.

Learning objectives: By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • understand what Operational Readiness (OPR) is and how it is achieved;
  • describe each core element of OPR;
  • implement, enhance, support OPR at your level and within your function/duties;
  • advocate support for OPR in your setting; and
  • be prepared to follow the more advanced face-to-face Tier 2 course.

Course duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Certificates: No certificate available at this time.

Содержимое курса

  • OPR Training Module Description:

    This introductory video offers participants a general review of the WHEs Operational Readiness program in two short modules.
  • Module 1: Operational Readiness Overview:

    This module will provide an overview of WHO's Operational Readiness, and how it works to promote collective action and a holistic preparedness approach for use in all WHO emergencies and hazards.
  • Module 2: The Minimum Operational Readiness Standards (MORS) and Readiness Checklist:

    This module is about the Minimum Operational Readiness standards and Readiness Checklist for addressing health risks in a timely manner to ensure a more effective emergency response.
  • Final Assessment

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Learners enrolled: 10818

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  • Получите сертификат об участии, изучив не менее 80% учебного материала курса.