
Incident Management System (Tier 1)

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To enhance the WHO's Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) response capability, WHE proposed the development of a series of training packages to build staff competencies, skills and knowledge, to enhance deployment and response capability. Tier 1 covers the mandatory minimum package that all personnel being deployed on a WHO health emergency response must complete. It includes four animated online modules covering an introduction to emergency management, WHO’s role in emergencies, the emergency response framework and the incident management system.

Please note: This course was developed in 2017. For the latest updates, please refer to the latest version of the WHO Emergency Response Framework (ERF) Edition 2.1 on the WHO website. A new OpenWHO course is available to reflect the latest changes made to the ERF: you can access it here.

语言: English
Basic (Basique), Health topic


This course is also available in the following languages:

français - العربية - Español - Português - Русский

Overview: The course is designed as an interactive learning experience, built around individual learning modules. Students will be expected to actively engage in all online sessions and immerse themselves in the course content. All sessions are geared towards enabling the staff to be able to work with and within the new WHE programme and to build their understanding and confidence in the basic concepts and theory. The course content is split into four learning modules, with each module covering a key aspect of the WHE approach to emergency management. The training content is limited to an overview and introductory level of knowledge, required as part of your role within WHE programme. A post-course knowledge check is mandatory, to ensure that all participants have a minimum level of knowledge on completion of the course.

Learning objective: Gain a foundational understanding of the Incident Management System (IMS) structure and its procedures.

Course duration: Approximately 3 hours.

Certificates: A confirmation of participation is issued to those who complete at least 80% of the course material.

You can also access the intermediate-level course on the Incident Management System here.


  • Module 1 – WHO Health Emergencies Programme and WHO roles in emergencies:

    • Introduction • WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) • WHO Core Commitments in Emergencies • WHO Guiding Principles in Emergencies • Knowledge check
  • Module 2 – Introduction to Emergency Management:

    • Introduction • Defining Emergency Management (EM) • Background and Historical Challenges in Emergency ManagementEmergency management cycle • Emergency management Principles • Key Terminology • The Incident Command Systems (ICS) • Knowledge check
  • Module 3 – The WHO Emergency Response Framework (ERF 2.0):

    • Introduction • The Incident Management System (IMS) o Development, Principles and Overview o What is IMS? o Why Universal Standards? o WHOs adoption of IMS • WHO’s Incident Management System o Critical Functions, Structure and key Roles o Leadership and the Incident Manager o Escalation principles / Scaling the Response o Emergency Operations Resourcing o Communication and Span of Control o Unified Management o WHO IMS Plans • The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) o What is an EOC? o The role of the EOC in IMS o The role of the EOC in Emergencies • Knowledge check
  • Module 4 – Incident Management System (IMS) applied in WHO:

    • Introduction • The Incident Management System (IMS) o Development, Principles and Overview o What is IMS? o Why Universal Standards? o WHOs adoption of IMS • WHO’s Incident Management System o Critical Functions, Structure and key Roles o Leadership and the Incident Manager o Escalation principles / Scaling the Response o Emergency Operations Resourcing o Communication and Span of Control o Unified Management o WHO IMS Plans • The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) o What is an EOC? o The role of the EOC in IMS o The role of the EOC in Emergencies • Knowledge check
  • Additional resources:

    1. Lunch seminar "What do people die of in emergencies and what can we do to reduce it?"


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  • 参与证明 授予者需要至少学习了所有课程资料的百分之 80%