Курс доступен

Introduction to Dengue

Introduction to Dengue

Dengue is a viral infection caused by the dengue virus (DENV), transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. An estimated 100-400 million infections occur each year. This course provides an introduction to dengue. It provides an overview of the causative organism, vector, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the disease.

Photo credits: WHO/TDR/AndyCraggs

В режиме самообучения
Язык: English
Current outbreaks, Dengue

Информация о курсе

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دری - پښتو

Overview: Dengue is a mosquito borne viral disease that causes an estimated 100-400 million infections each year. This course provides an introduction to dengue. It provides an overview of the epidemiology, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the disease.

Course duration: Approximately 30 minutes.

Certificates: A Certificate of Achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available in the final assessment. Participants who receive a Certificate of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

Что вы узнаете

  • Outline the causative organism and vector of dengue
  • List the symptoms of dengue
  • Describe how dengue can be diagnosed and treated
  • Describe preventive measures for dengue.

Содержимое курса

  • Introduction to Dengue:

    This introductory module will go through the epidemiology, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dengue. A self-assessment quiz is available at the end of the course.

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Зачислить меня
Learners enrolled: 13342

Требования для получения сертификата

  • Чтобы получить сертификат об окончании курса, участникам необходимо набрать не менее 80% от максимального количества баллов за все задания на оценку.
  • Gain an Open Badge by completing the course.