
Cholera Outbreaks: Emergency Preparedness and Response

Cholera Outbreaks: Emergency Preparedness and Response

This course outlines the objectives of a cholera outbreak response, how to detect and confirm cholera outbreaks and how to effectively organize the response including describing control measures. It also describes steps to take to be better prepared to respond to cholera outbreaks. Good preparedness leads to faster more effective outbreak response. This course is intended primarily for public health professionals who are directly involved in cholera outbreak detection and response and in developing cholera preparedness plans.

The course complements the Cholera: introduction training, which is available here.

Photo credits: WHO / Christian Lindmeier

Please note: These materials were launched on 05/01/2023

语言: English


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Overview: Cholera is transmitted by ingesting faecally contaminated water or food. Cholera outbreaks can occur in any part of the world where water supply, sanitation, food safety, and hygiene are inadequate. The response to a cholera outbreak should be multisectoral and focus on limiting mortality and reducing the spread of the disease. This course provides knowledge on how to detect and confirm a cholera outbreak, elements of responding and controlling an outbreak, when and how to undertake cholera preparedness, and presents resources available to support these activities.

This course is intended primarily for public health professionals who are directly involved in cholera outbreak detection and response and in developing emergency preparedness plans. The knowledge is offered through video lectures, downloadable presentations, transcripts, and self-test that can be reviewed at your own pace.

Course duration: Approximately 2 hours.

Certificates: A Certificate of Achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available across all of the quizzes. Participants who receive a certificate of achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.


  • Describe the overall objectives of cholera outbreak response
  • Describe how to detect and confirm cholera outbreaks
  • Explain how to organize the response
  • Summarize the outbreak control measures
  • List cholera outbreak preparedness activities.


  • Module 1: Detecting and confirming cholera outbreaks:

    After completing this module, you will: describe cholera alert investigation and how to confirm a cholera outbreak.
  • Module 2: Organization of the response:

    After completing this module, you can: explain the role of the cholera coordination committee and describe the objectives of the cholera response plan.
  • Module 3: Controlling cholera outbreaks:

    After completing this module, you can: Describe the actions needed to control cholera outbreaks, taking into account the multisectoral approach.
  • Module 4: Emergency preparedness and response:

    After completing this module, you can: summarize when to undertake cholera preparedness, list who should be involved in cholera preparedness and recall preparedness activities.
  • Module 5: Additional resources:

    After completing this module, you can: locate the existing Global Task Force on Cholera Control guidance on cholera.


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  • 课程证书 授予者需要至少取得课程总分的百分之 80%
  • 完成课程可获得开放徽章