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Individual needs assessment during TB treatment

Impartido por OpenWHO
 Individual needs assessment during TB treatment

To help people with TB complete their therapy, their needs must be understood and met whenever possible. For this, an individual assessment of the person's needs must be carried out.

Photo credit: WHO / Malin Bring

En modo autodidacta
Idioma: English

Información del curso

Despite highly effective treatment, many psychological, social, medical, and economic factors may prevent people from accessing appropriate facilities, following care plans, and successfully completing a course of treatment. To support people with TB during treatment, health policies must reflect the fact that TB affects all aspects of people’s lives. Caring for each person as an individual should be the basis of treatment and care.

The individual needs assessment includes all the information needed to help people undergoing treatment and their caregivers understand the concepts of TB, including biological and social determinants of the disease, and to agree on the steps to follow to create an individual treatment plan. It will provide the person with all the necessary information about rights and obligations and update knowledge during the entire course of treatment.

This series is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills across 13 distinct modules. Each module has been structured as an individual course, addressing different components essential to TB community-based services. This modular approach allows you to delve deeply into each component at your own pace as well as earn a certificate of achievement. While each course stands alone, together they form a cohesive learning experience, so, you can choose to complete all 13 courses to gain comprehensive knowledge or select specific courses that align with your learning needs and professional goals. These courses include:

  1. Awareness raising, risk communication, mobilization and meaningful engagement of community;
  2. Counselling of individuals at risk of TB;
  3. Non-clinical management of TB preventive treatment;
  4. Active TB case finding;
  5. Supported treatment observation;
  6. Case management of loss to follow-up and prevention of treatment interruption;
  7. Individual needs assessment;
  8. Mental health and psychological counselling and support;
  9. TB case management: non-clinical;
  10. Material support;
  11. Health education and counselling;
  12. Post-treatment social support and/or rehabilitation;
  13. Costing methodology.

Each module culminates in a thorough Course Assessment, enabling participants to gauge their understanding and proficiency in the covered material. A Certificate of Achievement is attainable for each module, awarded to participants who achieve a minimum score of 80% across all quizzes. Participants who receive a Record of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how. There is also a Final Self-Assessment to mark the end of all the 13 courses.

The following online course is developed by the TB Europe Coalition (TBEC) under the financial support of Stop TB Partnership, World Health Organization, The Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center), The Global Fund and United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinion of the funders. The course is intended to be used as a self-learning course. All reasonable precautions have been taken by TBEC and WHO to verify the information contained in this training. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the online training lies with the reader. In no event shall TBEC or any of the listed funders be liable for damages arising from its use.

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Lo que aprenderá

  • to describe the role of individual needs assessment;
  • to explain the need for individualised support;
  • to apply the focus on person-centred care in the process of providing individual support.

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Requisitos para el certificado

  • Obtenga un certificado de estudios al obtener más del 80% del número máximo de puntos de todos los trabajos evaluados.
  • Obtenga una insignia digitale abierta al completar el curso.