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Resultados para:Prevention of and Response to Sexual Misconduct


Cursos individualizados


WHO has an obligation to ensure that all those who work for WHO and our implementing partners (IPs) take measures to safeguard against sexual misconduct. This one-hour course explains the importanc...

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As a part of WHO’s mandate in the countries in which it has activated the incident management system, PRSEAH (prevention and response to sexual exploitation abuse and harassment) is a core action...

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This is an introductory training on WHO's Sexual Misconduct (SM) Risk Management. The training is divided into three parts. Firstly, it explains the importance and application of risk management in...

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Il s'agit d'une formation d'introduction à la gestion des risques d'inconduite sexuelle de l'OMS. La formation est divisée en trois parties. Tout d'abord, elle explique l'importance et l'applicat...

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هذا تدريب تمهيدي حول إدارة مخاطر سوء السلوك الجنسي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية. ينقسم التدريب إلى ثلاثة أجزاء. أول...

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This course is an introductory learning package introducing the new WHO policy on preventing and addressing sexual misconduct. Additionally, it will introduce WHO's three-year strategy that defines...

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This course is the first of five courses. It introduces gender-based violence (GBV), intimate partner violence (IPV), and rape. The course describes the clinical care of people who have been raped ...

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Ce cours est le premier d’une série de cinq. Il présente les thèmes de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG), la violence exercée par un partenaire intime (VPI) et le viol. Le cours décrit l...

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Sexual violence and intimate partner violence are among the most severe stressors that women may experience in their lifetime and can have numerous social and psychological consequences. This cours...

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La violence sexuelle et la violence exercée par un partenaire intime font partie des facteurs de stress les plus graves que les femmes peuvent subir au cours de leur vie et peuvent avoir de nombre...

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This course is the third course in a five-course series. It introduces you to the management of people who have suffered or are suspected to have suffered from intimate partner violence (IPV). It d...

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Ce cours est le troisième d’une série de cinq cours. Il vous initie à la prise en charge des personnes qui ont subi ou sont soupçonnées d’avoir subi de la violence exercée par un partenai...

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