Water, sanitation and hygiene for the prevention and care of neglected tropical diseases

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) can cause significant disabilities and even death. These diseases affect more than 1.6 billion people worldwide, primarily among the most vulnerable communities. Access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services plays a critical role in the prevention, management, and care of NTDs.

Photo credits: WaterAid/ Tom Greenwood

En mode autodidacte
Langue: English
Health topic

Informations sur le cours

Overview: This course is specifically designed for governments, development agencies, civil society partners, and others working with them. It aims to help establish or strengthen collaboration between WASH and NTD actors. The course is structured around three modules. We will first examine the role of WASH in the prevention, management, and care of NTDs. Then you will learn about the opportunities for collaboration between the WASH and NTD sectors and gain insights from existing program experiences. Each module includes a simple self-test to help you recall key information. And at the end of the course, you will receive a certificate.

Duration: Approximately 2 hours.

Certificates: A certificate of achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available in the final assessment. Participants who receive a certificate of achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Conduct an analysis to describe the role, importance, and impact of WASH in the prevention and care of NTDs.
  • Identify, promote, and communicate opportunities for WASH and NTD actors to engage and seek collaboration.
  • Access and use tools and resources to promote, initiate, lead, and support joint activities at national and sub-national levels.

À qui s'adresse ce cours

  • Governments
  • Development agencies
  • Civil society organizations
  • Others working with them

Contenu du cours

  • Introduction to the Course:

    This is an introduction to the water, sanitation and hygiene to prevent and care for neglected tropical diseases course.
  • Module 1: Introduction to WASH and NTDs:

    In this introductory module, we will explore the links between WASH and NTDs.
  • Module 2: How can WASH and NTD programmes collaborate effectively:

    In this module, the following question will be addressed, 'How can WASH and NTD programmes collaborate effectively?
  • Module 3: What can be learnt from programme experiences:

    In this third and final module, real-life examples of collaboration between the WASH and NTD sectors will be explored.
  • Final assessment

Inscrivez-moi à ce cours

Le cours est en accès libre. Créez votre compte et suivez le cours sur OpenWHO.
Inscrivez-moi maintenant
Apprenants actuellement inscrits: 8829

Certificate Requirements

  • Obtenez un certificat de réussite en gagnant plus de 80% du nombre maximal de points pour la somme de toutes les tâches hebdomadaires.
  • Obtenez un Open Badge en complétant le cours.