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Latest WHO HIV service delivery and differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment

Latest WHO HIV service delivery and differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment

In March 2021, the WHO released updated recommendations on service delivery for the treatment and care of people living with HIV. In July of the same year, the WHO published the Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Testing, Treatment, Service Delivery and Monitoring which compiled broader guidance including the Service Delivery and differentiated service delivery (DSD) updates. This series aims to disseminate the latest WHO 2021 service delivery and differentiated service delivery recommendations, and promote increased knowledge on the newest WHO HIV guidance to ensure all people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment can access person-centered and high-quality HIV services. This course intends to reach all Health policy makers; National program managers; Healthcare providers; Civil society and Community based organizations; Implementing agencies supporting interventions on HIV; and Donors.

Photo credit: WHO/Tom Saater

В режиме самообучения
Язык: English

Информация о курсе

Overview: This series of webinar sessions offer the audience the opportunity to be introduced to some of WHO’s past webinars that introduce the Service Delivery and Differentiated Service Delivery for HIV treatment recommendations included in chapter 7 of the consolidated HIV guidelines launched in 2021. Key topics include service delivery recommendations for starting ART, including initiating treatment outside the clinic and support for same-day ART initiation; frequency of clinical visits and ART refills; tracing and re-engagement in care; and service integration.

The World Health Organization endorses four DSD HIV treatment models for people established on antiretroviral therapy (ART) and countries have adopted and expanded DSD implementation. During COVID-19, ART programmes were resilient, leveraging existing DSD systems to achieve scale and increase access by expanding who was eligible, extending antiretroviral therapy refills, and intensifying the scale-up of community-based service delivery.

Course duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Certificates: A Confirmation of Participation certificate is also available for participants who complete 100% of the course material.

Что вы узнаете

  • List all latest WHO HIV treatment service delivery recommendations
  • Describe the new recommendation for clients established on antiretroviral therapy (ART)
  • List all key differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment aspects (the 4 building blocks, DSD models, etc) to consider when deciding which DSD ART models to implement in countries
  • Describe the WHO recommendation for starting ART outside of the facility, as well as tracing and re-engagement in care recommendations
  • Describe the WHO recommendations for integrating diabetes and hypertension care within HIV services
  • Explain how to apply WHO guidance on DSD monitoring and standardized tools to support country implementation

Содержимое курса

  • Module 1: Latest WHO Service Delivery and Differentiated Service Delivery for HIV treatment updates in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic:

    By the end of this module, you will: define the latest WHO service delivery recommendations; define differentiated service delivery (DSD); identify some common challenges the health care system and clients face while providing and accessing ART care; list the elements of DSD; List the 4 building blocks (4BB) of DSD; name key aspects to consider for successful DSD ART models implementation.
  • Module 2: WHO recommendation on Extending Eligibility for Established on Antiretroviral Therapy:

    By the end of this module, you will: define the new criteria for ‘established on ART’ and the difference between the earlier criteria, as well as the impact on DSD models reach.
  • Module 3: WHO Service Delivery recommendation on Integration of Diabetes and Hypertension care with HIV services:

    By the end of this module, you will: describe how the evidence on safety efficacy, acceptability, feasibility values and preferences and cost contributed to the recommendation for the integration of diabetes and hypertension care with HIV services.
  • Module 4: WHO recommendations for Out-of-Facility Initiation and Re-engagement in Care:

    By the end of this module, you will: describe WHO Service delivery recommendations for starting ART, including initiating treatment outside the clinic, tracing and re-engagement in care; list the key implementation recommendations for these recommendations; name at least 5 main reasons for disengagement from treatment; list different approaches used for re-engagement in care.
  • Module 5: Strategic information gaps, key considerations and recommendations for monitoring differentiated ART service delivery, WHO 2022 HIV SI guidelines:

    By the end of this module, you will: list the new WHO recommendations on monitoring DSD; list all 5 key indicators to monitor DSD ART; describe the key considerations for monitoring DSD ART.

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  • Получите сертификат об участии, изучив не менее 100% учебного материала курса.