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Health and peace: Concepts and tools for frontline workers – a course by WHO/EMRO

Offert par OpenWHO
Health and peace: Concepts and tools for frontline workers – a course by WHO/EMRO

The WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) is stricken with many areas of unrest, including active wars and protracted conflicts. These conflicts have wide-reaching impacts, resulting in disrupted health systems, poor health indicators, brain drain, re-emergence of high-threat pathogens, and the largest migration rates.

With the view of promoting peacebuilding in FCV (fragile, conflict, violence) countries, the WHO created the “Health as a Bridge for Peace” (HBP) program in 1997. Since then a number of similar initiatives have been launched, all aiming to create a healthier and safer world. In EMR, the WHO Regional Office is spearheading a similar initiative titled “HoPE” i.e. Health for Peace. This introductory course is part of HoPE activities.

Please note: These materials were launched on 07/09/2020.

En mode autodidacte
Langue: English

Informations sur le cours

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Overview: This course provides a general introduction to the concept of health and peace through both textual and visual-auditory means of content delivery, including slides, case studies and quizzes to aid recall and retention. It targets personnel from FCV (fragile, conflict, violence) countries across WHO but can be beneficial for all staff interested in understanding linkages between health and peacebuilding both historically and moving forward with the Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW13), Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Agenda and EMR Vision 2023 in case of Eastern Mediterranean Region.

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Learning objectives: By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • describe the historical work by WHO on health and peace initiatives;
  • describe non-WHO frameworks for health and peace interventions;
  • explain WHO’s present approach to health and peace work and its synergy with other plans and strategies;
  • utilize conflict analysis tools for frontline staff; and
  • practice negotiation skills for frontline negotiators, support staff and senior management.

Course duration: Approximately 3 hours.

Certificates: A Record of Achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available across all of the quizzes. Participants who receive a Record of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

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Click here to download the full-size infographic.

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Apprenants actuellement inscrits: 14719

Certificate Requirements

  • Obtenez un certificat de réussite en gagnant plus de 80% du nombre maximal de points pour la somme de toutes les tâches hebdomadaires.
  • Obtenez un Open Badge en complétant le cours.