WHO Pre-Deployment Pack: GO 2.0

All personnel responding to outbreaks need to have basic knowledge and skills in order to mount an effective response. The GO training package was developed for WHO deployees so they can work safely and effectively as part of the teams bringing outbreaks under control.

Les versions françaises des présentations sont disponibles dans l'onglet « Documents ».

语言: English
Basic (Basique), Not disease specific


Les versions françaises des présentations sont disponibles dans l'onglet « Documents ».

Overview: All personnel responding to outbreaks need to have basic knowledge and skills in order to mount an effective response. The GO training package was developed for WHO deployees so they can work safely and effectively as part of the teams bringing outbreaks under control. The learning package consists of 5 modules, which include video lectures and downloadable presentations that have been updated with the latest information and developments. It provides essential information related to working for WHO, including guidance on codes of ethics, communications and human resources support.

Please note: This learning package is identical to Modules 3-7 of the course Ebola: GO 2.0. If you have already completed that course, there is no need to take this one as well.

Learning objectives: By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • describe existing codes of conduct that are applicable to all personnel working for WHO, including during an emergency response;
  • explain the key policies and practices for WHO communications and dealing with the media;
  • describe the human resources procedures and support available to deployees before, during and after deployment;
  • outline the basic elements of the emergency Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) aligned with WHO's Emergency Response Framework; and
  • describe the obligations of all United Nations organizations to protect beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse.

Course duration: Approximately 2.5 hours.

Certificates: A record of achievement will be provided to participants who score 80% or higher on each assessment. You have an unlimited number of attempts to meet the threshold.


  • Module 1: Working for WHO as an International Civil Servant:

    All personnel working for WHO need to know and adhere to the existing codes of conduct for international personnel, especially during an emergency response. The module references the WHO and International Civil Service codes of conduct.
  • Module 2: Guidance for Communications and Media Interventions:

    Effective communications is essential in an emergency response. This module presents the key policies and practices for WHO communications and dealing with the media, with which all staff must be familiar.
  • Module 3: HR Matters:

    This module provides critical human resources information for individuals deployed by WHO in emergencies.
  • Module 4: Introduction to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Emergencies:

    This module introduces the emergency SOPs aligned with WHO's Emergency Response Framework.
  • Module 5: Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse:

    This video module provides information on sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and the obligations of all UN organizations to protect beneficiaries from SEA.


该课程是免费的。 只需在OpenWHO上注册一个帐户并参加课程!


Course End
7月 07 2021
Course Start
1月 20 2020


  • 课程证书 授予者需要至少取得课程总分的百分之 80%