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The Food Insecurity and Health Readiness and Response Strategic Framework

This is an e-learning course that aims to introduce the Food Insecurity and Health Readiness and Response Strategic Framework. A framework that was elaborated by a dedicated Working Group led by different departments in HQs, in collaboration with EMRO and AFRO.

The aim of this document is to better frame the role of WHO and of the health sector in context prone to food crises and to provide guidance and support for the strengthening and adaptation of health and nutrition actions in response to increased malnutrition and health risks due to food insecurity.

Photo credits: WHO

Language: English
Health topic

Course information

Overview: Food Insecurity, Hunger and Malnutrition continue to increase globally due to the toxic combination of drivers such as conflicts, weather extremes and the effects of climate change, economic shocks.

Food Crises are also health emergencies: food shortages and factors associated with it determine in fact an increase in the nutrition and health risks of the population affected and a consequent increase in the need for preventive and curative health care. While Malnutrition increases risk of new diseases and of deterioration of existing diseases, especially among children, PLWs, people living with chronic diseases and disabilities, the elders, food Insecurity also contributes to deterioration in health seeking behaviour and increasing access barriers to health care with consequent negative impact on service coverage. Especially in a context where health systems are already under-resourced and disrupted.

As the role of WHO and of the health sector in food insecurity and food crises has been often underestimated and neglected, an internal WHO strategic framework for readiness and preparedness was elaborated by a dedicated multi departmental working group, in collaboration with EMRO and AFRO to support the strengthening of WHO national capacities for a more prompt, effective and resilient health system response to food insecurity and famine.

The course provides an introduction to basic concept of food insecurity, a review of the impact and implications of food crises in health, health systems and programming and to the structure and content of the Strategic Framework and its 5 strategic domains (Coordination and Collaboration, Surveillance and Information, Outbreak prevention and control, Essential Nutrition Actions, Health Service Actions) to support its use and operationalization in the framework of Country specific planning.

Course duration: Approximately 30 mins.

Certificates: No certificate available at this time.

What you'll learn

  • Explain the basic concept of Food Insecurity and its classification as the for IPC/CH System
  • Describe the main implications of food insecurity and food crises on health, health systems and programming
  • Define the Food Insecurity and Health Strategic Framework for readiness and preparedness, its structure, content, with its strategic domains and objectives

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Learners enrolled: 8620