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Ebola: Introduction

Ebola: Introduction

This introductory session explains basic principles of Ebola disease and ways to protect yourself and others. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to: describe Ebola disease and how it is transmitted, recall basic measures to prevent Ebola disease and list key public health concerns during an Ebola outbreak.

En modo autodidacta
Idioma: English
Basic (Basique), Ebola

Información del curso

This course is also available in the following languages:

Français - Lingála - Kiswahili

Overview: Decision-makers and frontline responders will find an introduction lesson along with resources on Ebola disease here. These resources can be used as refreshers for experienced personnel or as an introduction to the topic for everyone else. Materials can be downloaded for offline use.

Learning objectives: By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • explain the fundamental principles of Ebola disease; and
  • describe how to protect themselves and others from contracting the disease when responding to an outbreak.

Course duration: Approximately 30 minutes.

Certificates: No certificate available at this time. A certificate will be issued to those that complete the e-PROTECT training.

Contenido del curso

  • Ebola: Introduction :

    This module provides an introductory-level overview of the disease.

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Learners enrolled: 12271