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Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing Tool: HPV vaccination module

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The WHO Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing (C4P) tool has been developed specifically to assist low- and middle-income countries in planning and costing cervical cancer control strategies. This course will familiarize you with the purpose and use of its human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination module (C4P-HPV).

Managers or mediators of the costing and planning of national programmes for HPV vaccination are encouraged to participate in this course and discuss practical issues of using this tool with colleagues from around the world. For this course, you will need to download the C4P-HPV tool (see below). Please contact VoVteam@who.int if you have any questions about the tool.

В режиме самообучения
Язык: English

Информация о курсе

Overview: The course centres around the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination module of the costing tool (C4P-HPV) and refers to existing resources where necessary. The main aim of this course is to provide a step-by-step tutorial for the tool. Therefore, the focus of this course will be operational and pragmatic, only referring to the theory when necessary. This means a basic understanding of health economic principles is essential for this course.

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Describe the background and rationale of the C4P-HPV tool.
  • Outline the high-level structure and content of the C4P-HPV tool.
  • Explain how the tool arranges the cost estimates that are entered to provide overviews of financial and economic costs required to add HPV vaccination to the existing national vaccination programme.
  • Demonstrate how to examine the dashboard and analysis worksheets.
  • Describe the methods that the C4P-HPV tool uses to calculate the costing of the HPV vaccination programme.
  • Be able to project and retrospectively cost the incremental cost of introducing the HPV vaccine into the existing national vaccination programme.

You may go through the ‘Standard terminology and principles for vaccine delivery costs’ if you are unfamiliar with vaccine delivery costing.

Central to this course is the C4P-HPV Tool: a Microsoft Excel file that helps you manage all cost estimates and assumptions for the National HPV Vaccination Programme. You can download the course version of this tool here. Please note that the course version may differ slightly from the latest version of the tool that you may find on the WHO website. However, the principles remain the same.

Course duration: Approximately 3 hours.

Certificates: A Certificate of Participation is provided to participants who complete at least 80% of the course material.

Содержимое курса

  • Welcome to the course:

    This section introduces you to this online course and helps you navigate the training activities to the course on the HPV vaccination module of the Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing Tool (C4P-HPV tool).
  • 1. Background, objectives, and structure of the course:

    This module introduces you to the C4P-HPV tool. You will meet Eliza, who used to be a national HPV vaccination programme manager. She will guide you through the C4P-HPV tool in these nine lessons. In this introduction, Eliza explains the background, rationale and purpose of the C4P-HPV tool. She will also explain the structure of this course, and what you need to know in advance to benefit most from this training. Please make sure that you are able to open and use Excel files since the tool is Excel-based. If you do not have the Microsoft Excel(TM) or Microsoft Office(TM) software, you may work with these types of files using the free package 'OpenOffice': https://www.openoffice.org/
  • 2. Methods used in the C4P-HPV tool:

    In this module, Eliza talks you through the methods that the C4P-HPV tool uses to calculate the costing of the HPV vaccination programme.
  • 3. Output, reports and capability of the model:

    Eliza looks at what you can expect from the C4P-HPV tool in this module. What will be the outcomes that you can later use in your work? How are reports shown? What are the benefits to you? This will help you understand how the tool summarizes all data after completing all data entries.
  • 4. Overview of set-up and basic inputs:

    Eliza shows you how to set up the C4P-HPV tool, and to start entering basic inputs for your country.
  • 5. More inputs:

    In this module, we will continue with the demonstration of basic inputs, to ensure that the important characteristics of your country's HPV vaccination programme are included in the tool data.
  • 6. Annual inputs:

    At this point in the course, Eliza will have helped you set up the tool, and enter all necessary basic inputs. In this module, you will continue completing the tool, by entering the annual inputs.
  • 7. Final inputs & initial output:

    This module completes the demonstration of entering annual inputs and begins to take a look at the first output of the tool.
  • 8. Outputs:

    Eliza will take you through the remaining output worksheets of the C4P-HPV tool.
  • 9. Let's practice:

    Now you have covered the functions of the C4P-HPV tool, Eliza will demonstrate to you how to fill a brand new, empty tool, once you have collected all relevant data and estimates.
  • Course credits

  • Videos for download:

    This section contains all nine video lectures without any interactive features. The purpose of this section is to allow the download of videos in situations where internet connectivity varies. Also, these versions of the video lectures have downloadable transcriptions in support of participants with hearing impediments.

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Требования для получения сертификата

  • Получите сертификат об участии, изучив не менее 80% учебного материала курса.
  • Gain an Open Badge by completing the course.