Prevention and management of diabetic foot problems

Diabetic foot problems are amongst the most common, costly and severe complications of diabetes. Diabetic patients are at a high risk for lower limb amputations resulting in higher health care costs, and lower quality of life.

Em modo autodidata
Idioma: English

Informações do curso

Overview: People with diabetes mellitus are at an increased risk for foot ulcerations as a result of poorly controlled blood glucose which may lead to gangrene. These patients are at a high risk for lower limb amputations, higher healthcare costs, and lower quality of life. This course aims to cover the prevention of foot ulcers in persons with diabetes, classification of diabetic foot ulcers, diagnosis and treatment of foot infection in people with diabetes and interventions to enhance healing of foot ulcers.

The course aims to cover the prevention, risk factors, assessment and management of diabetic foot problems in a primary care settings. It also outlines the services required for diabetic foot care.

SEARO NCD PEN-HEARTS is a series of four courses with the other three courses focusing on an Integrated approach to management of NCD in PHC, NCDs interventions and palliative care that will enable the learner to plan and deliver NCD services.

This course is part of a series of four courses. For a better learning experience, we recommend accessing the courses in the order listed below:

  1. Course 1: HEARTS of NCD: An integrated approach to management of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) in primary health care
  2. Course 2: Interventions for Noncommunicable Diseases in Primary Health Care

  3. Course 3: Prevention and management of diabetic foot problems

  4. Course 4: Palliative care- Models of service delivery and symptom management

Course duration: Approximately 2 hours.

Certificates: A Certificate of Achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available in the final assessment. Participants who receive a Certificate of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

O que você vai aprender

  • Enumerate diabetic foot problems.
  • Recognize and explain the prevention of diabetic foot problems to the patient.
  • Explain the symptoms, stratification of risk for developing diabetic foot problems.
  • Perform clinical evaluation of the feet in people with diabetes.
  • Interpret the provision of care for diabetic foot ulcer.
  • Outline the organization of service for diabetic foot care.

A quem se destina este curso

  • NCDs programme managers
  • Primary health care managers responsible for planning, training, implementing, and monitoring service delivery in primary care settings
  • Managers for emergency health services
  • Primary health care providers

Inscrever-me neste curso

O curso é gratuito. Basta se registrar para uma conta em OpenWHO e fazer o curso!
Inscrever-me agora
Learners enrolled: 7426

Requisitos de certificado

  • Ganhe um registro de conquista ao ganhar mais de 80% do número máximo de pontos de todas as tarefas com nota.
  • Ganhe um Open Badge ao concluir o curso.