Curso disponível

Joint External Evaluation for Technical Writers

Oferecido por OpenWHO
Joint External Evaluation for Technical Writers

A Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary process in which a team of national and international experts jointly assess a country's capacity under the International Health Regulations (IHR).

This course aims to provide technical writers with an understanding of the JEE process, its objectives, principles, and the importance of coming up with a JEE report that reflects the results of the evaluation.

Em modo autodidata
Idioma: English
Health topic

Informações do curso

A JEE contributes to the monitoring and evaluation of core capacities under the IHR. It is a key component under the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (IHR MEF). A self-evaluation by the country is followed by an assessment by an independent JEE team. The assessment is done using a standardized tool that assesses 19 technical areas across 4 domains: prevent, detect, respond, and other hazards and points of entry.

The JEE final report is a complex and comprehensive document that requires a high level of technical writing skills, as well as coordination and collaboration among the JEE team members and the report writer. The report writer plays a key role in the JEE process and is responsible for compiling, synthesising, and editing the content of the report, as well as drafting the executive summary and supporting the debriefing presentation. The report writer should have a clear understanding of the JEE methodology, the draft terms of reference (TOR) for the report writer's role, and the expectations and timelines for the report writing process.

  1. JEE introductory course
  2. JEE course for Subject Matter Experts
  3. JEE course for Technical Writers

Course duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Certificate: A Certificate of Achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available in the final assessment. Participants who receive a Certificate of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

O que você vai aprender

  • describe the WHO style guide in English and stylistic and typographic rules in French translation
  • define the roles and responsabilities of JEE technical writers at various stages throughout the JEE process.

Conteúdo do curso

  • Module 1: WHO Style Guide:

    This module explains the WHO style guide and its importance in JEE technical writing.
  • Module 2: Règles stylistiques et typographiques de base pour la rédaction en français à l’OMS:

    Ce module fournit des règles stylistiques et typographiques pour l'écriture utilisées dans la traduction en français des documents de l'OMS.
  • Module 3: Technical writing in JEE:

    This module explains the roles and responsibilities of JEE technical writers at various stages throughout the JEE process.

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O curso é gratuito. Basta se registrar para uma conta em OpenWHO e fazer o curso!
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Learners enrolled: 1384

Requisitos de certificado

  • Ganhe um registro de conquista ao ganhar mais de 80% do número máximo de pontos de todas as tarefas com nota.
  • Ganhe um Open Badge ao concluir o curso.