Joint External Evaluation for Subject Matter Experts

A Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary process in which a team of national and international experts jointly assess country capacity under the International Health Regulations (IHR).

This course aims to provide JEE subject matter experts (JEE SMEs) with an understanding of the JEE process, its objectives, principles, and methods. The course provides an in-depth focus on the role of JEE SMEs in conducting an effective evaluation and writing technical area reports.

Photo credits: WHO / Ploy Phutpheng

En mode autodidacte
Langue: English
Not disease specific

Informations sur le cours

Overview: A Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is an essential component of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (IHR MEF). The process involves a self-assessment by the country, followed by an evaluation conducted by an independent JEE team using a standardized tool. This tool assesses 19 technical areas across four domains: prevention, detection, response, and other hazards and points of entry.

The JEE Subject Matter Expert (SME) course provides learners with a deeper understanding of the SME role in ensuring effective and collaborative evaluations, as well as thorough documentation of a country’s capacities, strengths, areas for improvement, and recommended actions for progress.

Completion of the JEE introductory course is a prerequisite for participating in the JEE SME course.

  1. JEE introductory course

  2. JEE course for Subject Matter Experts

  3. JEE course for Technical Writers

Course duration: Approximately 1 hour.

Certificate: A Certificate of Achievement will be available to participants who score at least 80% of the total points available in the final assessment. Participants who receive a Certificate of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • discuss how to conduct an effective evaluation;
  • explain the steps and processes involved in completing a technical area report.

Contenu du cours

  • Module 1: Conducting an effective evaluation:

    This module will delve further into the role of the subject matter expert (SME) and provide guidance on how to fulfil their roles and conduct an effective evaluation.
  • Module 2: Writing the JEE Final Report:

    This module will delineate the process and principles for completing the technical area report, including its timeline.

Inscrivez-moi à ce cours

Le cours est en accès libre. Créez votre compte et suivez le cours sur OpenWHO.
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Apprenants actuellement inscrits: 766

Certificate Requirements

  • Obtenez un certificat de réussite en gagnant plus de 80% du nombre maximal de points pour la somme de toutes les tâches hebdomadaires.