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Harmonized Health Facility Assessment introduction

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Harmonized Health Facility Assessment introduction

The Harmonized Health Facility Assessment (HHFA) is a comprehensive health facility survey assessing the availability of health facility services and the capacities of facilities to deliver quality services. This course introduces the HHFA purpose, content, and methods, as well as the WHO resources available to support countries in conducting high quality HHFAs.

The HHFA Comprehensive guide is the key reference document for this course.

En modo autodidacta
Idioma: English
Health topic

Información del curso


The HHFA is a comprehensive health facility survey that provides countries with objective information on how well their health facility service delivery system is working. The HHFA covers all key facility services, programmes and management systems, assessing the availability of services and the capacities of facilities to deliver services at required standards of quality.

This course introduces the HHFA purpose, content, and methods, highlights the key steps and decisions involved in planning and implementing an HHFA, and briefly describes the WHO resources available to support countries in conducting a high-quality survey.

The HHFA Comprehensive guide is the key reference document for this course.

Key resources include:

  • an indicator inventory platform;
  • standard questionnaires;
  • an electronic data collection tool;
  • a data analysis platform;
  • guidance documents;
  • training packages.

This course is targeted at ministry of health officials interested in commissioning a health facility survey, staff involved in planning and implementing the survey, and partner organizations supporting the HHFA.

Course duration

Approximately 2.5 hours


A Certificate of Achievement certificate will be available to participants who score at least 80% in the final assessment.

Participants who receive a Record of Achievement can also download an Open Badge for this course. Click here to learn how.

Lo que aprenderá

  • explain what the HHFA is and how it is conducted;
  • draw a diagram of the HHFA modules and their contents;
  • outline the kind of information an HHFA can and cannot provide;
  • provide examples of HHFA indicators;
  • explain why a country should conduct an HHFA;
  • list the key steps involved in conducting an HHFA;
  • list the HHFA tools, guidance documents and training packages;
  • describe how to access the HHFA indicator inventory platform;
  • explain the different types of HHFA questionnaires;
  • describe the HHFA CSPro tool;
  • summarize the functions of the HHFA data analysis platform.

Contenido del curso

  • Course introduction:

    A brief introduction to this course on the HHFA.
  • Module 1: Introduction :

    This module will provide an overview of the HHFA.
  • Module 2: Why should a country conduct an HHFA?:

    This module will discuss why a country should conduct an HFFA.
  • Module 3: HHFA resource package:

    This module introduces the resources that can be used to support the various stages of an HHFA.
  • Assessment:

    There are 15 questions in this quiz-based assessment. The questions are a recap of the content covered in Modules 1 to 3. You must score 80% to pass.
  • Resources:

    This section links to resources with more information on the HHFA.

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Learners enrolled: 5872

Requisitos para el certificado

  • Obtenga un certificado de estudios al obtener más del 80% del número máximo de puntos de todos los trabajos evaluados.
  • Obtenga una insignia digitale abierta al completar el curso.