Traballadór ne’ebé kualifikadu no iha abiliidade no komunidade ne’ebé iha koñesimentu ne’e importante tebes hodi bele haforsa kapasidade iha nivel nasionál hodi bele responde ba emerjénsia saúde públiku nian. Kanál Nasaun ne’ebé fornese oferese rekursu aprendijazen hodi apoiu nasaun nia responde ba surtu COVID-19 no ameasa iha área saúde sira seluk. Serbisu hamutuk ho OMS Eskritóriu Nasaun nian no Ministériu Saúde, rekursu hirak ne’e bazeia ba OMS nia guia sientifiku ne’ebé maka disponivel iha nasaun ne’e nia lian ofisiál sira hodi empodera pesoál saúde liña frente sira, lejisladór no komunidade sira.
A skilled and qualified workforce and educated public are essential to strengthen national capacity when responding to public health emergencies. The Serving Countries channel offers learning resources to support a country's response to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and other health threats. In collaboration with the Country Office and the Ministry of Health, resources based on WHO scientific guidance are available in the country’s official language(s) to empower frontline health workers, policy-makers and the public.
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