Ready for Response

Курсы для самостоятельного изучения


WHO is the signatory to numerous global Accountability to Affected People (AAP) commitments through the Inter Agency Standing Commitments and the Grand Bargain. This training will introduce emergen...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

The Emergency Response Framework provides WHO staff with essential guidance on how the Organization manages the assessment, grading and response to public health events and emergencies with health ...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

This course aims to strengthen the capabilities of public health policy and programme managers in incorporating a gender perspective into disease management. Participants learn to apply an analytic...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

This training provides a high-level overview for decision-makers and technical experts from governments and key stakeholders or partners involved in Readiness Contingency Planning, and Implementati...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

This training serves as an introductory training for urban leaders, planners, and practitioners, aiming to (1) Increase awareness and understanding for managing complex urban disaster risks and enh...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

VSAT (“Very Small Aperture Terminal’) enables two-way satellite communications and data transfer from and to everywhere around the world. WHO uses mobile VSATs (Quick Deployment Kit) in areas with...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

This is an e-learning course that aims to introduce the Food Insecurity and Health Readiness and Response Strategic Framework. A framework that was elaborated by a dedicated Working Group led by di...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • en

Ceci est un crous d'apprentissage en ligne qui vise à présenter le cadre stratégique pour preparation operationelle et response à l'insécurité alimentaire. Un cadre qui a été élaboré par un groupe...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Normative
  • fr

This course provides an overview on ultra-low temperature vaccine management.

This training is intended for health workers who are involved in vaccine management operations in immunization progra...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic
  • Сертификат об участии
  • en

This is an online orientation course to strengthen the competencies of health sector actors working in emergencies to establish, support and scale up Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) ...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • en

Este es un curso de orientación en línea para fortalecer las competencias de los agentes del sector de la salud que trabajan en situaciones de emergencia para establecer actividades de salud mental...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Сертификат об окончании курса
  • es

Cities have been at the centre of the COVID-19 pandemic where more than half of the world’s population reside. Cities have been deeply impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which continues to h...

  • В режиме самообучения
  • Health topic, HSP
  • Сертификат об участии
  • en