Healthier Populations



City governments and their partners are at the heart of policy-making and decision-making related to the wider determinants of health. City mayors and elected politicians provide leadership; profes...

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  • Health topic
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  • en

This e-Learning course presents the updated version of the Global Nutrition Targets Tracking Tool, an interactive tool that aims to help countries set their national targets and monitor progress to...

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  • Health topic
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  • en

All health workers would benefit from gaining knowledge and skills to protect individuals and communities from air pollution exposure. This course examines the main health impacts of air pollution ...

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  • en

This introductory course aims to build the capacity of community health workers on oral health promotion, oral disease prevention, and control to meet some of the unmet demand for oral health servi...

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  • en

Ce cours introductif vise à renforcer les capacités des agents de santé communautaires en matière de promotion de la santé bucco-dentaire et de prévention et contrôle des maladies bucco-dentaires a...

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  • fr

Este curso introductivo visa reforçar a capacidade dos agentes comunitários de saúde em termos da promoção da saúde oral e da prevenção e controlo de doenças orais, para dar resposta à procura não ...

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  • pt

Environmental risks to health are responsible for a large fraction of the overall disease burden. Decision makers need to be aware of the most important environmental exposures, exposure-disease li...

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  • en

In this course, you will learn about the hypothesis-driven approach to problem-solving. This approach originated from academic research and later adopted in management consulting. The course consis...

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  • en


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  • cn

The course “Foresight Approaches in Global Public Health” provides an overview of various methods and tools that can be used to understand emerging trends and changes with a futuristic lens and to ...

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  • Health topic
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  • en

Monitoring food industry compliance with government regulations to improve food environments and promote healthier diets is critical to ensuring positive health outcomes. This course provides guida...

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  • Health topic
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  • en

This online training is designed to introduce the concept of social prescribing and complement the toolkit on how to implement social prescribing, with a special focus on the Western Pacific region...

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  • Health topic
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  • en