Chemical and Biological Deliberate Events

Cursos al ritmo de cada usuario


Public health professionals are certain to be among the key personnel in preparedness and readiness for a deliberate use of chemical or biological agents against a human population. So it is vitall...

  • En modo autodidacta
  • Health topic
  • Certificado de estudios
  • en

When a deliberate use of chemical or biological agents against a human population occurs, health care professionals and public health personnel are directly involved in the response's organization,...

  • En modo autodidacta
  • Health topic
  • Certificado de estudios
  • en

This course aims to ensure that all participants recognize possible deliberate events with chemical or biological agents and know the different response types this will require compared to other em...

  • En modo autodidacta
  • Health topic
  • Certificado de estudios
  • en